Rosalyn's Take on Tech - Artificial Intelligence


The following is written by Rosalyn Cama, President of CAMA Inc.

It has been an interesting week to listen to tech news. Apple's announcement to release products prepared to accommodate the next generation of technology platforms had me scratching my head with thoughts of radical shifts in health facilities design.  

Most of us know that updates to our current hardware and software tools slowly shift our behaviors. Few of us however, are quick to utilize next generation technology updates, especially those that will completely disrupt our behavior patterns and the environments in which we operate. 

In February, I attended the HIMSS Conference (Healthcare Information Management Systems Society) in Orlando, FL, to understand the disconnect between electronic hardware and effective patient communication. I was rocked at my core once I understood how quickly the communications platform will be changing. It won't be a simple software update or a new piece of hardware but rather, a radical shift in access to medical intelligence.

The communications platform won't get a simple software update or a new piece of hardware but rather, a radical shift in access to medical intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence or, AI, is starting to pop up everywhere and ready to come to an MD office near you, especially if you live in Rochester, Minnesota. In April, I participated in a healthcare design panel at a conference in Cincinnati and Dr. Larusso from Mayo Clinic (headquartered in Rochester) noted how accepting he is to use AI in his practice.

As a healthcare planner and designer, I see a quantum leap in how we will plan our next generation of diagnostic facilities. AI will transform not only diagnostic knowledge transfers but also supply chain signals and patient experiences as they navigate the facilities with a bit of help from AI. 

Visit the CAMA Blog often to stay updated on our findings. If AI sounds futuristic, wait until you learn about Augmented Reality, which I will address soon.