Leeway Nursing Home Diversification  

Co-creating Healthier and Happier Communities

Leeway and multiple stakeholders have worked together to generate a Community Living Model that will provide wrap around services integrated in the community for individuals living with multiple chronic illnesses. Respected as a pioneer in the city of New Haven, Leeway’s primarily serves individuals with multiple chronic illnesses through several phases of care including, skilled nursing facilities, residential care housing, supportive housing, and independent living. Because of these strengths and accomplished history of serving the community, Leeway has been awarded a grant funded by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) to diversify its services.

CAMA's role was to propose urban & environmental solutions for environmental and physical gaps creating obstacles between individuals living with multiple chronic diseases and community integrated health and wellness services. 


SCOPE: Project Voice and Vision, Co-Creation Workshops, Thought Leadership, Evidence-Based Design Consulting; Strategy and Experience Consulting  

PARTNER: HoodenPyleGil; Leeway